Frequently Asked Questions

Is acupuncture safe?

Yes, acupuncture is safe when practiced by a professional.  Acupuncture needles used in practice today are very fine and solid, sterilized, and single-use.  We are certified in Clean Needle Technique as a part of the requirements of NCCAOM certification.  The health benefits of acupuncture are great and treatments generally involve zero to few side effects.  Most clients have no adverse reaction to acupuncture.  Cupping, gua sha, and needling can occasionally leave bruise-like marks on the skin that generally disappear within a few days.  Sometimes numbness or swelling can occur, or a drop of blood might appear at a point or two when the needle is removed.  Most side effects normalize very quickly.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Generally, the brief sensation upon needle insertion feels similar to a mosquito bite, and subsides very quickly within a moment or two.  Acupuncture is usually very relaxing, and many folks often fall asleep during treatment.  Gua sha and cupping sometimes result in a mild achy feeling in the local area treated, and this feeling should subside after a day or so, followed by an improved condition.

Do you go to school to become an acupuncturist?

Yes.  All licensed acupuncturists/TCM practitioners in the US are required to complete a 3-4 year Master's Degree.  

What’s the difference between dry needling and acupuncture?

“Dry needling” is another term for acupuncture, and is often referred to as a technique used to release trigger points for musculoskeletal relief. I use trigger point needling as an adjunctive therapy, if deemed appropriate for the patient, as a part of the “Acupuncture + Bodywork” treatment option. For more information on the requirements for practitioners to safely perform acupuncture, click here.

Do you do massage?

No. We offer the following medical services: acupuncture (with adjunctive physical therapy options such as cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, electroacupuncture, & trigger point needling), as well as Chinese herbal medicine.

How do I prepare for treatments?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing, avoid wearing heavy perfumes, and avoid having an overly empty or filled stomach..please be sure to eat something substantial within a few hours of treatment. 

How many treatments will I need?

Acupuncture works cumulatively and usually renders optimal benefits when administered over a period of time.  The number of treatments needed varies, depending on the severity and duration of the condition being treated.  For acute conditions, as little as one to a few treatments may be needed, while chronic conditions may require several weeks or months of treatment.  On average, 4-6 regular treatments are suggested to start, and the treatment plan is adjusted according to progress made.  Acupuncture is also a preventive medicine, and some clients enjoy receiving acupuncture "tune-ups" or wellness visits on a regular or occasional basis after their initial main complaint has been resolved.

Do you bill insurance?

We do not bill insurance, however we provide a menu of affordable treatment options. I’m happy to provide receipts for patients who wish to pursue reimbursement with their insurance carriers.

May I tip you?

Acupuncture is a medical service, and therefore, we do not solicit patients for tips.

Do you treat pregnant people?

Yes!  Acupuncture can greatly reduce common pregnancy discomforts and help prepare the body for labor, delivery, and postpartum recovery.  

Do you treat children?

Yes!  I use gentle non-insertion techniques, cupping, and/or acupressure for children.  

What is that smoky smell?

Moxa!  Moxibustion is the burning of compressed herbs, and is used indirectly near acupoints.  I use this modality when deemed appropriate.

Do you do community acupuncture?

Acupuncture is community medicine, and I am a community-based practitioner. Often, multi-bed clinic settings are referred to as “community” acupuncture clinics, however, this language is limiting because it doesn’t reflect the full scope of how communities are served. Acupuncture and TCM practitioners serve our communities in a variety of settings, and with a variety of services, including in-home, via telehealth, in multi-bed spaces, mobile clinics, in hospitals and integrative health facilities and wellness centers, and in independent private practice. After several years of investment in operating a multi-bed brick and mortar clinic space, and working in multiple clinic settings, I pivoted my clinic structure to support both patient and provider access to care and longer-term sustainability. I continue to serve my community in private practice, including telehealth services, offering both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.

Should I stop taking my medications?

That is a question that is not within our scope of practice to answer. I strongly urge all patients to use acupuncture as a complementary medicine, and to consult a physician about primary care questions.

What is your business structure?

AIM is an owner-operated, independent small business.